For Bookings please contact CJ Strock at MINT TALENT GROUP:
For General inquiries and Press please contact:
For Bookings please contact CJ Strock at MINT TALENT GROUP:
For General inquiries and Press please contact:
Pleas come to sweden
play Nashville!
Keep in touch would like to work on the road again! Your friend 4. Y’all should play Nashville!
You are the one bands that I’m most amazed that you weren’t huge. In my eyes you lads were the second coming of rock, after GnR. Think about Asheville, NC when you tour. Show and Tell is still my all time favorite album! Lock yourselves in a roof and listen to the whole album again and them exit by creating another classic album.
Hallo you annonym Fan which want to buy all Articles of this biutiful band, I buy all Things on Silvertide bei Amazon,com,So names the Page in Germany,
It´s very bad that you never make an new Album anymore, I miss you. You were something Special foe me No Band sounded like you. Normally you are in the Scene there Band 1 Sunds like Band 2 and 3.
Hi Walt! What is really goingon with this Basnd? Yesterday i have listend on WMMR ans Marj Jr. said” How it would be if we would come in May? If the band is really splitö Why you donßt write an Email to our Magazines, Yes it´ßs hard for the Fans but Always Play with unclear Hopes is also hard Rock Antenne told over guns NEoses that they also come back after w23 Years. Nobody has thought that they comming back.. And now they are so big again Not only in Omaha there Jessica is the Spomsor in October. If you still are as Band together. Speak not so much make simply an Album. The Fans still waitimg for You,
In 7 i had to much ideas I have snide your Pagesymbol with your sign of Bandname out and klebte it on the Dragon. tonfigur.
Please come to Townsville Australia soon love your music good rock like AC/DC. Hope your new music is just as good as album Show and Tell.
Rockantenne want u never Play your Music don´t like youwhat want you make after the Show Tyler in Omaha is werry what he have donwe with you . He likes you..
Please, stop spamming with Mount Holly posts on your facebook page. When in 2013 I saw ‘Silvertide is making new music’ video, it was pleasing. But now I can’t help but look on this whole reunion as a way to promote MH. But wait, really, it’s poor. Sorry for writing it here but it’s not worth my time to create a fb account and so on.
Could I get the contact info for booking band, their isn’t a label listed on Facebook page.
You guys have been talking about releasing if not a full album at least an ep since Try Try Try Your fans have been craving new music from you for 10 years. Are you ever planning to put out a full album of songs or at least an ep. Try Try Try great song but what about all the other stuff you said was newly recorded. I don’t get it. You’re one of the best bands since the 1970s. Show and Tell was one of those albums like Bostons first album or AC/DC Back In Black where every song was great. I know there were record label issues for years but then there was all this hype about a new album and then nothing after Try Try Try. What’s up?
Please, please come to Japan again! We are waiting for you since 2004!
Where can I buy 3 of the 1st cd?
Hey guys, any way to get a downloadable mp3. For the song show and tell? Been a fan since devils daughter was on the radio lol! Guys know how to rock! But the song show and tell was my favorite!!! But the studio version is nowhere to be found! Thanks guys, email me at
Ah damn nice sound but How can I get your music to play on my radio station?
Will there be any shows in 2014 or 2015?
I WANT TO BUY YOUR STUFF!! Need all the Silvertide tunes as well as Sinai and even Automatic Fire. please?! hehe
I saw your band in 2004 west palm beach florida, you opened for Hootie and the Blowfish. To be honest I didn’t want you guys to stop playing I bought your cd and have been addicted to this band since. When are you coming back to Florida. Love your music, I got so many people listening to your music. Thanks Casey is still down since last week, your STORE link. Please fix. Thanks
Hey this is for Walt. Do you remember coming to Charleston.south Carolina in like 2005 and two guys getting on the tire bus with yall. You met my busts sister Ashley and we went to waffle house and ate. My names Kyzer and I didn’t know if yall would remember. Breaking Benjamin was there that night with yall.
Were there any lp’s of show and tell made?
hi nick. i was glad to see you, i hope everything wented great saturday, thank you for the ticket, but i was so tier, after work
did you make your cd, i hope to get one, thank you hope the family your sister and the band are well, stay on playing
your friend ronald meyers
hi nick, this is ron, from the gas station. I wanted to thank you for the tickets to your show, but I am sorry I did not make it, I had so much paper work to do , the stock, payroll, I was so tier I just had to go home, I hope everything wented good, and you had fun and a good time, I gave the tickets to my friends at work, I think he wented to see your show, I hope you and the family, the band and your sister are the best, keep on playing, thank you for everything, your friend Ronald meyers
Let me know when you hit the Chicago area. saw you at Northly Island years ago. I will help spread the word. Glad to see you back. keep up the show and tell vibe. we are missing that music from newer artists. I grew up in the 70/80’s and that music still dominates the stations.
check out Rivers edge in Aurora Il..brand new venue need a band like you.
For the shows coming up in Michigan, where will I be able to purchase the tickets at Saturday morning?